CNIC Number Check

CNIC number check allows you to check the details of a Pakistani individual using their identity card number. It provides useful information such as the name of the CNIC cardholder, the father’s name, address, and other relevant details. The CNIC number checker is a tool to check details for verification and authentication of a person’s CNIC details. It searches against CNIC system information databases to provide you with the details. It is very helpful to identify unknown persons, for individual use as well as for corporate entities. Pak sim Details offers web-based services for this offer for free of cost to every Pakistani citizen.

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CNIC in Pakistan

The system of CNIC system was established and implemented back in 2000s. The introduction of this automated system for the CNIC system information was designed to remove the errors and shortcomings of the old manual system for the identification process. Advanced technology and more secure features have been added to the CNIC system information to prevent fraud and a more accurate process of identification.

What is a CNIC information system?

A CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card), serves as a comprehensive platform for the identification system of Pakistani citizens. It plays an essential role in a state. It is specially designed to well organize administrative operations, increase security measurements, and enable efficient services to the people of Pakistan. It is a centralized database system that holds the record of the citizens of Pakistan by assigning a unique 13-digit code to an individual which can be used for various purposes. It replaces the manual system for identification with this newly updated simple identification process.

Pak sim details offer services for CNIC number check with a single click. You can find details for any mobile number in Pakistan by just entering a mobile number or CNIC card number and you will get results instantly without any effort. They also provide various other services like a sim database online, CNIC system information, live tracker for locating a device or person tracker as well. They offer all services free of cost and are accessible to every Pakistani individual. Moreover, keeping in view the ease of their users, Pak Sim Details has designed a user-friendly interface, so one does not need any training for using our web-based info tools.

How does “CNIC Number Check” work for you?

At Pak sim, we offer our users a service to find details for “The CNIC number check, where you can get enough details related to that CNIC card number. Any individual or business entity can use our tool to get detailed information regarding CNIC cardholders. If someone is continuously irritated by unwanted calls or messages, by using our info tools you can disclose that person behind annoying calls, so you can take any action. Corporate organizations can use it to track details of their employees and customers for verification purposes.

Generally, if you want to retrieve CNIC details through some legal organization for a person, you have to go through a very long process, which will take some effort, money and some resources will be needed. However, if you search through our Pak sim details search engine, there will be no waste of money and time, and you be able to get details for “CNIC number check” within a few seconds. Thus choosing our platform will prove to be beneficial for you.

What Data do you get by using “CNIC Number Check”?

Using our CNIC system information database, you will get the following types of information.

Name of Cardholder

The very first information that you will see, will be the name of the CNIC cardholder after entering a 13-digit code in the info tool, so you can easily verify the details. You can cross-check our data simply by entering your CNIC card number and then after submitting verify the results.


Another important information that you will get is the exact contact address of that CNIC cardholder. It will be the same address that has been mentioned on the identity card of that person. So, by using this you can locate a person easily. For business purposes, you can use such data for marketing purposes while individuals can use this data to reach that unknown person to take action against them.

Mobile Number

The third information that you receive will be the contact number of that person. As we all know, sim cards are registered through CNIC cards via PTA, thus any sim registered against that CNIC card will appear on the screen. So, this will be very useful information for further proceedings.

Other Relevant Details

It also shows some other details that are associated with the CNIC cardholders, like the father's name, date of birth, and many others.

How to Use “CNIC Number Check”?

In keeping in view the simplicity of our citizens, we have just set a very simple protocol to find details for any CNIC card number. So anyone can use our info tools without the guidance needed.

Step 1: Visit our official website ”” using any browser, then click on “CNIC number check”.

Step 2: Now, enter the desired CNI (a unique 13-digit code) number in the given space.

Step 3: Click on the “submit” button and allow the system to process your request against their CNIC system database online.

Step 4: Shortly, you will be presented with the results of your query, including the name, CNIC, address, and other associated details.

Step 5: If you wish to check another CNIC cardholder, you can repeat the process by the above mentioned steps.

Advantages of using “CNIC Number Check”

We have designed our web search tools for easy use with many advantages for our users in Pakistan. However, one can search for details using any mobile number or CNIC card number only in Pakistan. Some of the benefits are given below.

Easily Accessible

The system is accessible to every citizen, one just needs an internet connection and a device (Android or Apple mobile phones, laptops, tablets). We support every device.

Time & Money saving

Using our CNIC number check info tool, is a time and money saver, as one does not have to pay any charges to use it, no need to put any effort. You can find details by siting home by saving your time as we provide results instantly.

Safe & Secure

Our advanced system provides an extra layer of protection to our users to protect their rights. It will help you to prevent from identity theft and fraud.

How to Check CNIC number with a mobile phone?

To check the CNIC number via text service, you need to follow the given below steps.

• First of all, open the message application in your mobile phone.

• Now, send a blank message to “667”.

• Instantly, you will receive a message containing all the sim regarding verification through the CNIC card number.


Pak sim details provide a useful tool for “CNIC Number check”, that allows every Pakistani citizens to check details most conveniently. Pak sim detail ( has been designed very easy-to-use interface for all with no limitations for searches. The information that you will get by using our CNIC system information, includes the name of the cardholder, address, mobile number, and other important details that have been associated with the CNIC card. As we all know, CNIC plays a vital role, the information that one may get will be helpful for both individuals and corporations. As it contains a unique code of 13 digits, biometric data collection, security features, and smart chip technology.